-->Donate Before Midnight, June 7!
<!--Praise God, we’ve exceeded our goal!
--> Children Total Amount $ 72 Donate Now Why $6 per child? <!-- Final Total: 29,703Praise God, we've exceeded our goal! Many thousands of children will be discipled through The Greatest Journey. Keep praying for more to join the journey.
--> Through The Greatest Journey, we are raising up a new generation of evangelists.Franklin Graham, President, Samaritan’s Purse
3 Days 35,000 KidsPartner with us between June 5–7 to give The Greatest Journey discipleship materials to 35,000 more shoebox recipients. Through this 12-lesson course, children learn how to follow Christ and share Him with others. Just $6 provides one child with colorful, child-friendly Bible study materials, a graduation certificate, a New Testament in their own language, and a trained teacher/mentor in their community. Help us meet our goal by midnight, June 7!
Children Total Amount $ 72 Donate Now Why $6 per child? Show your support on social media.Profile Image
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