As night falls in New York City, a dedicated team of medical professionals show up for work at the Samaritan’s Purse emergency field hospital in Central Park.This is the story of the night as they battle the deadly COVID-19 pandemic in the tents.
6:30 PM
The night shift arrives at the emergency field hospital for their shift. Most of them have gotten just a few hours of sleep despite having gotten back to their rooms 11 hours ago. They’re tired but restless, a mixture of fatigue and adrenaline that keeps them tossing around in their beds. Even as they drive back to the site, they know they never actually left it.
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--> Emergency MedicineWhether sending an Emergency Field Hospital to Italy or New York City in the wake of COVID-19, setting up treatment centers in the midst of an Ebola outbreak, or offering care in the midst of armed conflict, Samaritan's Purse stands ready to respond in the face of a myriad of medical crises. Your gift will help bring expert treatment and the hope of the Gospel to the sick and suffering.
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