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-->Help Us Reach Our Goal by Midnight May 27!
The Greatest Journey
Children Total Amount $ 72Add me to the 25K Disciple Maker List below.
Donate Why $6 per child? $6 Per Child × provides one child with a 12-lesson Bible study, a graduation certificate, a New Testament in his or her language, and the guidance of a trained teacher/mentor in the community.Join this five-day campaign to provide The Greatest Journey discipleship training to 25,000 more shoebox recipients.
$150,000 5 Days 25,000 Kids Total So Far: 7,122 KidsShare this campaign to help us reach our goal!
<!-- Watch Video Subhead --> <!---->Through The Greatest Journey, children in more than 100 countries are learning to follow Jesus Christ. This exciting Samaritan's Purse project gives children a strong faith foundation and teaches them to share about the Lord with family and friends!
Children Total Amount $ 72Add me to the 25K Disciple Maker List below.
Donate Why $6 per child? $6 Per Child × provides one child with a 12-lesson Bible study, a graduation certificate, a New Testament in his or her language, and the guidance of a trained teacher/mentor in the community. 25K Disciple Maker ListJoin the list of people who are supporting this initiative and are committed to praying that 25,000 more children worldwide will be discipled as a result of this campaign.
Excited about this campaign?Show your support on social media.
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