Channel: Franklin Graham
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72,000 Children in 72 Hours


Donate Before Midnight, June 6!

: : 72 Hours 72,000 Children June 4–6, 2018 Children Total Amount $ 72 Donate Now

• We praise God that 91,870 more children will soon be going on The Greatest Journey! Pray for these boys and girls as they learn to faithfully follow Christ and tell others about Him. •

The Greatest Journey 72,000 Children x 1 Gospel Message = Lives Changed for Eternity! 72,000 Children x 1 Gospel Message = Lives Changed for Eternity!

Our Lord Jesus Christ told his disciples Peter and Andrew, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Today He continues to change lives and call people to advance His Kingdom. We praise God The Greatest Journey discipleship program is a part of that, as millions of Operation Christmas Child shoebox recipients discover how to follow Christ and share Him with others. When these boys and girls go and tell what they're learning, whole families—even communities—are transformed by the power of the Gospel!






91,870Children! <!--

Just $6 provides a child with colorful Bible study materials, a New Testament, a graduation certificate, and a trained local teacher who will mentor them. Help us equip 72,000 children with these resources by midnight, June 6!


Just $6 provides a child with colorful Bible study materials, a New Testament, a graduation certificate, and a trained local teacher who will mentor them.

<!-- “But the word of God grew and multiplied.”

Acts 12:24


“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Matthew 4:19

718,183 teachers trained

14.9 Million children enrolled


Multiplication: Each child learns how to share the gospel with other family members, friends, and their community.


7.6 Million children praying for and sharing their faith with family and friends

10.6 Million students graduated

6.9 Million reported decisions for Christ

72 Hours 72,000 Children Donate Now The Greatest Journey Show your support on social media.

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